The 1950's graphic style, "The International Typographic style", originated in Switzerland and is also known as the "Swiss" style. It's known characteristics were:
- Based on pure geometry
- Refined style
- Cleanliness in style
- Objectivity
- Clear communication
- Functional typography
This was often used in asymmetric layouts, San Serif typeface distinguished the very designs of modernism.
The Swiss movement originated and grew out of Bauhaus and the New Typography movements, in which had similar characteristics as well.
Richard Paul Lohse, used this style in his overlay magazines which featured the Bauhaus architectural design elements. Helmut Schmid, also another designer did a remake of Die Neue Gesellschaft and was well known for the use of the International typographic style.
Designers who came out of post modernism were strongly against the Swiss modernism and style, based on the slick and clean characteristics.
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